Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fake Patriotism

I am so glad to learn that the soccer world cup is about to end… Now all the obnoxious, pretend and retarded soccer fans can finally settle down into their normal lives

Soccer isn’t a big deal in Canada or the States as compared to Europe. There are other sports here that people seem to be into and you just never really seem to hear about Soccer….. Until the world cup comes along .. and then all of a sudden, everyone pretends to be a long time Soccer Fanatic from way back. Why do they have flags hanging out of their car? Why? why do they do that? Why are they all of a sudden a massive fan just because a team from their country is in the competition? The thing that annoys me the most is when someone asks me which team I was supporting ( and as always I have to tell them I am Indian and India doesn't play soccer, let alone making it to the world cup ) and they out of no reason are supporting Brazil/Argentina ( most of these people have no clue regarding soccer and its rules ) just because they are in the last 8 or will be champions. Another annoying thing is at work how one has to support some team so that the boss or his boss is happy.

I don’t get peoples mentality when it comes to sport… Though i am sure most of those people don’t get why people like me are so into Techno-house music and undeveloped countries politics

Oh well… live and let live i guess.

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